What To Expect During Your Planning Session

We will block two hours off on our calendar for your planning session. Please plan to be here for the full two hours so that you can get the most out of your Planning Session. If this will not be possible during the time you scheduled, please give us a call so we can reschedule.

We will expect to meet with you and with anyone else you will be planning with such as your spouse or life partner. Please make sure all parties will be available during the meeting time so that you can make the most of your Planning Session.

Your meeting will begin with us sharing some of our firms’ background and history. We’ll then walk through “what would happen” if something were to happen to you now. You’ll let us know if “what would happen” is okay with you or not. If it’s not, we will help you design a plan to ensure your family will have as little to worry about as possible if something happens to you.

If, after reading “How Our Law Firm Is Different,” you discover you are looking for a document preparation lawyer rather than a lawyer who provides a lifetime of guidance, protection and care, guarantees your plan will work at the time of your death or incapacity, and guides you and your family throughout your lifetime, please let us know right away so we can take your appointment off our calendar and refer you to a number of lawyers we know who operate on a more one-off transactional basis.

If, after reading “How Our Law Firm Is Different,” you are ready to consider the nature of your Family Wealth and the best way to build it during your lifetime and leave it behind when you are gone, please schedule an appointment and review the following:

How to Prepare for your Planning Session

You will get the most out of your personal Planning Session if you are prepared.

First, you will want to complete the “Planning Inventory and Assessment” that you can fill out online or you can come into the office for a hard copy packet. Complete the worksheet as best you can. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the details we’ve asked for, it’s a great starting point for you to get your affairs organized. We realize that for many people this is a starting point. The planning process is extremely helpful in that regard. We are going to make organization even easier for you after you meet with us. Please return your worksheet at least one week before your scheduled meeting so your Lawyer will have an opportunity to thoroughly review your worksheet and will be ready to advise you when you come for your meeting.

Next, you will want to begin gathering bank account statements, brokerage statements, property deeds and out of state property deeds, life insurance information, corporate records books (if you are a business owner), and retirement plan statements. Don’t worry if you can’t find everything. Again, this is just a starting point and we will help you gather everything you need throughout our process.

Now would also be a good time to request beneficiary designation change forms from your insurance company, retirement account custodians, or from your HR department if you have work-related benefits. While you won’t need those right away, you will need them eventually and starting now can’t hurt.

If you have any trouble gathering any of this information, do not hesitate to give us a call … we’re here to help.


1.              Introductions. Our story. Firm philosophies. Explanation of Three Levels of Planning.

2.             Assurance that YOUR goals and objectives (not ours) are what we plan to attain and that we will only proceed together if there is a fit between your         

                goals and objectives and the service we can provide. What is most important to you?

3.              Your story. Information gathering for:

                    •       Identifying your hopes, fears, values, aspirations, goals and objectives.

                    •       Preparing and prioritizing the list of your goals and objectives.

4.              Discussion of whether we can help you meet your goals and objectives and whether there is a fit between your family and our firm.

                         4.a.          If we both feel there is a fit, identification of which of our Levels of Planning would be right for you and your family.

                                         Fee range will be quoted at this time.

                         4.b.         If we feel there is not a fit, we will make a referral to someone who can meet your goals and objectives.

5.              Discussion of our process under the specific Level of Planning chosen.

6.              Designing the plan to meet your goals and objectives.

                    •       Detailed analysis of your present plan.

                    •       The design of your proposed new plan. (May carry over into a subsequent meeting depending on the Level of Planning).

                    •       After the design of your plan is completed, we will determine the exact fee for the plan that will accomplish your goals and objectives.

7.              Explanation and Execution of Engagement Letter

8.              Schedule Next Appointment


What Makes Us Different


Estate Planning Gone Wrong